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How do I cancel my subscription?

We're sorry to see you go! Please follow these steps to cancel your subscription:1. Log into your account here2. Select "Manage subscriptions"3. Select the item you'd like to edit4. Scroll to the bottom, select "Cancel subscription"5. Confirm your ca

How do I change the frequency of my subscription?

Follow these steps to update your subscription frequency:1. Log into your account here2. Select "Manage subscriptions"3. Select the item you'd like to edit4. Update your shipping frequency5. Confirm your changes

How do I change the products in my subscription?

Follow these steps to change the products in your subscription:1. Log into your account here2. Select "Manage subscriptions"3. Select the item you'd like to swap4. Scroll down, select "Swap this for a different product"5. Confirm your selection

How do I add an item to my subscription?

Follow these steps to add products to your subscription:1. Log into your account here2. Select "View your next order"3. Scroll down, select "browse all products"4. Add your selections5. Confirm your selection

How do I update my payment information?

Follow these steps to change your payment information:1. Log into your account here2. Select "Address & payment details"3. Select "Manage payment methods"4. Update your payment method5. Confirm your changes

How do I update my address information?

Follow these steps to change your address information:1. Log into your account here2. Select "Address & payment details"3. Select "Manage addresses"4. Update your address information5. Confirm your changes

How do I change my delivery date?

Follow these steps to change your delivery date:1. Log into your account here2. Select "View your next order"3. Select "Reschedule"4. Update your delivery date5. Save changes

Can I skip an order?

Absolutely! Just log in to your account here, select "view your next order" then click "skip." A window will pop up giving the option to gift your next order or you can continue to skip. Make your selection and save!

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